Karachi, by (zeeshan Hussain) Five more matches have been decided in Jazz All Pakistan Tap Ball League cricket tournament. In Moin Khan Academy Defence, Sharwani Sports defeated Bau Bilal XI by thirty four runs. Batting first, Sherwani Sports scored 100 runs for the loss of three wickets in the allotted overs. The brave lefty played an aggressive innings of forty-six runs off twelve balls. Muzamil Kamunki scored twenty three runs. Rashid Malik took two wickets and Hasan Ali took one. In reply, Bau Bilal XI’s team was restricted to 66 runs for 6 wickets. Samad Hameed was prominent by scoring twenty eight runs. Obaidur Rahman, Rana Mohsin and Jalat Khan dismissed two players each.
In other matches, Osaka Kurko outclassed Narrowwall Warriors by eight wickets. Asi B Sports beat ZA Sports by forty eight runs. CE Sports won by ten wickets against One Ten Sports. Five matches will be played in the tournament on Thursday as well. According to tournament director Khurram Majeed, the winning team of the event will be entitled to Rs. While the run-up team will get two million rupees.