Home / Home / After contacting Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Hassan, Rana Basharat Ali Khan halted the deportation of a worker from Malaysia

After contacting Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Hassan, Rana Basharat Ali Khan halted the deportation of a worker from Malaysia

Title: International Human Rights Movement’s Action: Prevention of Deportation of Worker from Malaysia

The International Human Rights Movement, a global initiative aimed at protecting and promoting human rights, has achieved success in saving the rights of an innocent Pakistani worker.

After contacting Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Hassan, Mr. Rana Basharat Ali Khan, the Chairperson of the International Human Rights Movement, played a crucial role in halting the deportation of the worker.

Furthermore, the International Human Rights Movement has been recognized as a leading force in the global human rights movement.

In its translation, the International Human Rights Movement works globally for the protection and promotion of human rights.

This movement not only works for international conflicts and peace but is also actively engaged in protecting human rights regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion.

On the other hand, the International Human Rights Movement’s intervention in preventing the deportation of Naveed Asif and facilitating his return highlights its pivotal role.

This incident demonstrates that through its media campaigns and actions, the movement can protect human rights not only at the national level but also internationally.

The commendable achievements of the International Human Rights Movement and its members have established a new example of hope and justice worldwide.

Press Release:

Title: International Human Rights Movement’s Action: Prevention of Deportation of Worker from Malaysia and Announcement of Further Initiatives

The International Human Rights Movement announces further actions aimed at promoting and protecting human rights.

The movement has taken practical steps to secure the release of Pakistani Muslim workers from Saudi Arabian prisons. In 2021, the International Human Rights Movement facilitated the release of thirty-one Pakistani workers from Saudi Arabian jails.

Additionally, the International Human Rights Movement has taken steps to facilitate the ease of Isslam Seeker, a Pakistani resident in Turkey. Contacts were made with the Governor Foreign Minister and Prime Minister Foreign Minister of Turkey to arrange meetings. Subsequently, meetings were held with Pakistan’s Foreign Minister and Interior Minister to ensure the repatriation of the bodies of deceased deserving and impoverished Pakistanis from Turkey.

The actions of the International Human Rights Movement in promoting and protecting human rights are commendable, establishing a new example of hope and justice worldwide.

About Dr.Ghulam Murtaza

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